Soluciones HUBER para microtamizado y filtración

HUBER ofrece soluciones fiables e innovadoras para tratamientos de aguas residuales avanzados.

Esto conduce a una mejora significativa en la calidad del efluente añadiendo etapas de tratamiento posteriores, tanto para aguas residuales tratadas biológicamente como para aguas brutas:

Para un tratamiento avanzado del agua residual bien filtros de arena o microtamices se instalan después del tratamiento biológico.
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El pretratamiento mecánico se complementa con un microtamizado para eliminar partículas muy finas, incluso sustancias disueltas, después de un proceso de coagulación/floculación. De este modo y bajo determinadas condiciones, puede evitarse el costoso tratamiento biológico.
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HUBER Vacuum Rotation Membrane VRM® Bioreactor

Our VRM® Bioreactor is a membrane filter for use in membrane bio-reactors. Its special characteristic is that flat membranes are applied on both sides of vertical plates that are arranged as a rack on a slowly rotating horizontal shaft. Scouring air is introduced along the shaft. Air bubbles rise within the gaps between the plates and remove biomass from the membrane surfaces due to the turbulence they generate. In this way we prevent formation of biomass layers on the membranes' surface, which would reduce water flux through the membranes. Rotation of the membranes through the scouring air flow provides the following advantages:

  • A narrow, but intensive stream of air bubbles is sufficient for reliable scouring of the membranes' surface
  • The scouring air is introduced with low pressure at half the water depth
  • Power consumption for air scouring is low
  • The membranes, while they rotate, are subject to swelling water pressure and are thus periodically relaxed
  • The need for backwashing of the membranes is avoided

The permeate quality complies with the requirements of the European Bathing Water Directive. VRM® membrane filters are certified according to California Title 22.

Casos prácticos
