
Systems concept for breweries and other beverage industry

raw wastewater wastewater screening with ROTAMAT® Micro Strainer Ro 9 fine screening with ROTAMAT® Rotary Drum Screen RoMesh HUBER Membrane Bio Reactor HUBER Vacuum Rotation Membrane VRM® Bioreactor reusable effluent return and surplus sludge polymer stations polymer stations sludge thickening with ROTAMAT® Disc Thickener RoS 2S sludge dewatering with ROTAMAT® SCrew Press RoS 3 filtrate washed and compacted screenings washed and compacted screenings dewatered sludge cake screenings transport with ROTAMAT® Screw Conveyor Ro 8 area_17

The Systems Concept

1raw wastewater8polymer stations
2HUBER Micro Strainer ROTAMAT® Ro9 - wastewater screening9HUBER Disc Thickener S-DISC (RoS2S) - sludge thickening
3HUBER Rotary Drum Screen RoMesh® - fine screening10HUBER Screw Press S_PRESS (RoS3) - sludge dewatering
4HUBER Membrane Bio Reactor11filtrate
5HUBER Membrane Filtration VRM® - Vacuum Rotation Membrane12washed and compacted screenings
6reusable effluent13dewatered sludge cake
7return and surplus sludge15HUBER Screw Conveyor Ro8 - screenings transport
2 Ro9


ROTAMAT® Micro Strainer Ro 9

Wastewater screen for small to medium flows with integrated screenings washing and compaction.

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3 RoMesh


HUBER Drum Screen RoMesh®

Ultra fine rotary screen with service water recovery and defined separation size. For COD/BOD reduction and separation of hairs, fibres and fine suspended material from municipal and industrial wastewaters.

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HUBER Membrane Filtration VRM®

Vacuum rotating plate membranes bioreactor for clean water.

A future-oriented solution designed for the ever increasing requirements in wastewater treatment in compliance with the latest legal standards (EC standards for bathing waters, California Title 22).

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9 RoS2S


HUBER Disc Thickener S-DISC

Unique sludge thickener for efficient sludge treatment for up to 200,000 PE with an inclined, slowly rotating filter disc that separates flocculated sludge from filtrate.

Sludge volume reduction up to 90%.

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10 RoS3



Very sturdy, flexibly appicable sludge dewatering unit for sludge volume reduction up to 90%.
The completely encapsulated, odour-free plant is insensitive to coarse material and designed for high solids loads with minimum wear and vibration.

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15 Ro8


HUBER Screw Conveyor ROTAMAT® Ro8

The HUBER ROTAMAT® Screw Conveyors are supplied as closed tube version Ro8 or trough version Ro8 T, depending on the requirements. They are installed for horizontal, inclined and even vertical transport of screenings, dewatered sludge, grit etc. from wastewater treatment plants, or other solids from industrial processes.

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