HUBER Solutions for Breweries and other Beverage Industry
Besides breweries and malt houses, producers of other beverages (e.g. of fruit juices, carbonated soft drinks, bottled water) are also among our customers. In cooperation with our clients we develop and implement customized solutions for their specific wastewater problems.
Wastewater of the beverage industry contains high freights of solids (e.g. removed labels from bottle washing), BOD and COD. Heavy pollution surcharges must be paid for such freights. For this reason it is economical to reduce these freights on site so that the pre-treated wastewater can be discharged into municipal sewers with no or only small surcharges. In most cases it is even economical to treat the wastewater such that the effluent can be directly discharged into receiving waters, or can be recycled as process water.
Requirements depend also on the business size, wastewater flow and freight. While small businesses must only remove solids, large producers are usually required to reduce their COD and BOD freights as well.
In many cases it is cost-effective to do more and minimize wastewater and waste costs. Excellent treated wastewater can be reused as process water, eg for washing empties.
Systems concept
Wastewater from the beverage industry contains organic solids, such as fruit pieces or grains, and debris, such as broken glass, packing materials and labels. We remove such solids with our HUBER Micro Strainer ROTAMAT® Ro9 screw screen that usually includes a perforated plate with 3 mm diameter perforations. The screw screen simultaneously washes, dewaters and compresses the screenings such that they can be incinerated as solid waste.
After intermediate storage for flow and freight equalization, the wastewater is pumped through a HUBER Rotary Drum Screen ROTAMAT® Ro2. Since this ultra fine screen is made of wire mesh, with a mesh size between 0.1 and 1 mm, even very fine solids are removed. The screened effluent can be discharged into the municipal sewer.
For full-biological treatment we provide a HUBER Membrane Filtration VRM® bioreactor. The effluent of this Membrane Filtration unit can be directly discharged into receiving waters. The permeate effluent is of outstanding quality and does not contain any solids and bacteria, permitting its reuse as process water.
Waste activated sludge, consisting of biomass generated by biological treatment, is concentrated in our HUBER Disc Thickener S-DISC. The thickened sludge is then dewatered in our HUBER Screw Press. The dewatered sludge cake and the screenings are preferably supplied to a biogas plant in order to increase its gas production.
When we implement our solutions, we also provide our well-proven HUBER stainless steel components, e.g. Screw Conveyors, Manhole Covers and Stairways, Platforms and Guardrails.