HUBER Technology Customer Service
- Close to the customer world-wide - serving the customer's needs
- Ensured machine efficency - safe investment by Huber Service
We know that customer loyalty is not only built on superior product quality, but also on the motivation of a producer to offer life-long product assistance.
The market which we are all active on, preserving our environment, requires continuity and reliability and the resulting confidence. Such confidence is the basis for our thinking and acting, it is the only way to manage the future together. This is why we offer you optimal products which we improve continuously, together with the corresponding optimal service. We do so today and will certainly keep on doing so in the years to come.
We are proud of having set up our HUBER Global Service which is at the disposal of our customers around the clock and around the world. This helps us to maintain the high quality level of both our products and performance that our customers expect.
We are not just content with supplying products alone, but also feel responsible for the operation, functionality and performance of our machines. We respond to our customers' problems, and also the right kind of after sales service that belongs to excellent machines. We offer the service which is required for a optimal long-term trouble free operation of our machines - during their whole product life cycle.
Before the sale, our technically skilled sales representatives together with our in-house specialists offer their expertise to our customers. Delivery and installation are generally performed by our well trained personnel using our own means of transportation. Internationally, we offer consulting, installation and service with our respective sales companies and partners.