HUBER Solutions for Sewer Systems
We have a fitting HUBER screen for any pumping station: our Coarse Screen TrashMax® even protects from biggest interfering substances and our robust Multi-Rake Bar Screen RakeMax® is the best option for deep channels and high solid loads. For small pump stations and manholes we have developed our ROTAMAT® Vertical Screw Screen RoK 4 that simultaneously lifts, dewaters and compresses the removed screenings.
We offer several HUBER screens for combined sewer overflows (CSO): Our ROTAMAT® Storm Screen RoK 1 is installed on the rear side of overflow weirs, while our ROTAMAT® Storm Screen RoK 2 is installed on their front. Both screens are provided with semi-circular perforated plates that are cleaned with screws and brushes. We also supply measuring weirs for Flow Monitoring and special flow restrictors and gates for Flow Control.
As equipment for manholes and pits we also supply various stainless steel components, such as Covers, Ladders, Step Irons, Guardrails, Access Aids and even complete Pre-fabricated Manholes.
Sewers also offer the possibility for the installation of solutions for heating and cooling of buildings with watewater.