Paslanmaz Çelik Ekipmanıyla HUBER Çözümleri

Su arıtma tesislerinin uzun vadede güvenliği ve ekonomik operasyonu

Paslanmaz çeliğin daha yüksek olan maliyeti imalat ve bakım için gerekli olan daha az iş gücünden ve ürünlerin üstün dayanıklılığı ve aşınma dayanıklılığından daha telafi edilebilirdir. Yaygın bir deyişe göre: “bugünün ucuz olan yarın pahalıdır.” Tam tersi de aynı şekilde geçerlidir (aşağıda “Detaylar” bölümüne bakınız: “Paslanmaz Çeliğin Maliyet Etkinliği”).

Atık su arıtma tesislerinde kullanılması üzere bir dizi geniş paslanmaz çelik yapımı ürün üretiyoruz. Maliyet etkin seri üretimimiz sayesinde fiyatlarımız oldukça rekabet edebilir düzeydedir. HUBER ürünlerinin tamamını kendi asitleme banyomuzda pasifize ettiğimizden ürünlerin yüzeyi en üst seviyede rötuşlanır ve rakipsiz bir yaşam süresini muhafaza eder.



We supply the following types of HUBER products:

  • Manhole Equipment (e.g. covers, ladders, step irons and other access supports)
  • Technical Doors and Gates (e.g. pressure-tight doors and windows, safety doors and covers)
  • Control and Isolation Equipment (e.g. plate gates, stop-logs, orifice gauges and check valves)
  • Pipeline Fittings (e.g. adapters, compensators, flexible joints and fasteners)
  • Wall Bushings (e.g. sealing on one or both sides, radially adjustable)  
  • Guardrails, Accesses and Walkways (e.g. gratings, platforms, catwalks)
  • Settling Tank Equipment (e.g. Stengel-type inlets, scum boards, overflow weirs and channels)



Cost-Effectiveness of Stainless Steel

When consulting engineers or operators from other continents visit plants in Switzerland, Austria or Germany, they are often surprised that most components are made of stainless steel and that operation rooms are neatly tiled. They are also surprised to learn that the plants are staffed with few operators. They understand the context when we explain that labour is far more expensive than material, at least in Europe.

  • Zinc coated carbon steel components and pipelines must be assembled and adjusted, disassembled and galvanized, and then again reassembled, which is very labour-intensive. If the zinc coating is deficient or becomes damaged, rapid electro-chemical corrosion occurs. Durable repair of damaged zinc coatings is hardly possible.
  • Resin-coated carbon steel components must be de-rusted and primed before coating. After a few years, when the coating is damaged, defective areas have to be de-rusted and coated again.
  • Ductile pipes have thick walls and are heavy. They are little affected by corrosion, but the pipes cannot be welded. On-site installation requires many adaptor pieces. Coats of paint do not last long and re-painting is necessary every few years.
  • Components of aluminium are protected against corrosion by their oxide layer, but they can not be adjusted easily on-site. Aluminium is poorly resistant against ammonium and ammonia, which lead to pitting corrosion. Stainless steel components are resistant in most environmental conditions if the right quality is chosen. Corrosion allowance is not required.
  • Stainless steel can be welded on site. Maintenance labour is minimal if contamination with surface rust or contact with rusting objects is prevented.